Recreation Reserve and Hall
Redevelopment What Happens next?
The graphic above shows how Sarsfield Community has reached this time and place.( Along with the other painful progress of being successful in obtaining a grant.)
Reality: A small community group can not deliver such a project and would never be awarded such a grant.
Fortunately our Shire is keen to help improve the facilities for all East Gippsland residents and this is why the Grant application listed the EGSC as the Organisation with the ability, experience and money to deliver a Project like this.
The Design Brief is NOW the critical mission for the community.
The Project Working Group and Project Reference Group are the two ways we can decide the important priorities for our space. These ideas will be given to the Architect and we will assess the plans produced and the cost. Once a final decision is reached it will be the responsibility of the Project leader and EGSC to appoint a builder, deliver the project and acquit all the funds that they receive from the Australian Government.
The EGSC have appointed Mark Tickner as the Project Leader and he has meet with the SCA to start the process.
1. EGSC have signed the contract to do the work with the Australian Government.
2. They have due processes which must be followed to ensure it is done properly.
3. The information from the business plan will be valuable in deciding the details of the design of the Hall and Reserve.
4. The Project Working Group (PWG) will shape the Brief has already been formed and other SCA members are invited to join it.
5. The official Shire overarching group is the Project Reference Group (PRG) which allows general community input into this process.
The EGSC is currently calling for members of the PRG: it will have 3 SCA Working Group members but other members of the local and wider East Gippsland community are invited to join it by contacting the Project Supervisor at or call 5153 9500 by July 3 2023
Business Plan for the New Hall and Reserve
John Hamilton Presented the Business Plan to the Community on Sunday June 4 2023.
It created lively discussion and it will help the both the Project Working Group and the Project Reference Group create a Design Brief for the architect for a Community Space that meets Sarsfield's needs going forward and it is self funding.
Read the Business Plan in the attached document library on the RHS of this page.
Funding confirmed
Minister Kristy McBain made this wonderful announcement on 6th April.
An agreement has been signed between the Federal Government and the EGSC to deliver our new Hall and playground for $3.6 million.
An additional welcome announcement was that our great Shire workers have found a grant which will cover the cost of Project Management. (The money will be most welcome to help offset the increased building cost we expect.)
Special thanks
East Gippsland Community Foundation for their assistance is making this a reality.
Watch Kristy McBain make the annoucment at the Sarsfield Recreation Hall with Community Recovery Committee member Simon Hof.
Sarsfield CRC members with Kristy McBain for the funding announcement
The Origins of our Recreation Reserve
What are the origins of the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve?
Kevin Perry recently discovered a copy of a petition which sowed the seed for the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve.
On the 17th of August 1892 the Petition was sent to the then Minister for Lands and Survey pleading for the package of land that was a forfeited selection of Miss Anabella Simpson in the Parish of Sarsfield to be proclaimed a public reserve.
The passionate plea claimed the growth in Sarsfield’s population and future planned development in the village meant that the demand for a recreation space was important. The petition claimed that the community had no access to any public land in the immediate vicinity.
The Filmer, Waddell and Haggar names were among those featured using classical Victorian Cursive Script and pen and ink!
On the 24th of October in 1892 permission was granted for the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve.
In 1938 a Public Meeting was held to establish the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve Committee of Management.
For the following 85 years the Filmer, Haggar, Coster and Rooks names have been prominent in the Committee of Management membership.
In more recent years the relocated Canteen from the Eagle Point Caravan Park was cobbled together with the Shelter Shed/ Art room from the old Sarsfield Primary School and a lot of volunteer and TAFE labour to add the facility that is the Ian Haggar Recreation Hall today.
Greta Perry moved a motion at a “special” Committee Meeting in July 2013 to name the new facility the Ian Haggar Community Hall. Ian followed on from other family members to be a hardworking, dedicated and community spirited Committee member taking on many Executive roles, often donning the tools, or washing the dishes in the crowded kitchen. His 50 years of service was acknowledged by the community by naming the hall in his honour. Hopefully our new facility will continue to honour the work of Ian and other active community members.
2023 has seen another significant change in the story of the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve Committee of Management as it now becomes the Sarsfield Community Association.