Welcome to Our Community Projects Page!

Here in Sarsfield, we’re all about rolling up our sleeves and getting stuck into some fantastic community projects. Whether it's giving our Community Hall a bit of a facelift, sprucing up the oval for our local cricket matches, or just keeping the community land looking great, there’s always something going on.

On this page, you’ll find all sorts of projects we’ve been busy with. You can check out what we’ve done at the hall, how we’ve jazzed up the oval, and the ways we’re caring for the land around us. Each project is a little story of how we, as a community, pull together to make things better.

Have a squiz through the links to see what’s been happening, who’s been involved, and maybe discover how you could lend a hand in the future. We love seeing new faces and everyone’s welcome to join in.

We're pretty proud of what we’ve achieved and excited about what’s to come. So, stick around, have a look, and maybe get inspired to jump into our next project with us.

Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Recreation Reserve and Hall

Sarsfield Community is progressing with its Recreation Reserve and Hall project, facilitated by the East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC). The focus now is on developing a Design Brief, where community input is essential to ensure the project meets local needs and priorities. The involvement of the Project Working Group and the broader Project Reference Group is key in defining the specifics of this venture. This initiative represents a significant enhancement of facilities for all East Gippsland residents. Community members are encouraged to engage and contribute their perspectives by joining the Project Reference Group, helping to shape this transformative project.

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Sandhill Ashes

The Sandhill Ashes Urn, a symbol of community resilience and recovery, was crafted following the Black Summer bushfires. It is made from tea tree wood, salvaged from the remnants of a prolonged peat paddock fire on a nearby farm. This particular wood was originally buried under peat about 90 years ago by Chinese market gardeners to aid in drainage.

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Sarsfield Snaps

Sarsfield Snaps is a community photography project that empowered young people in the wake of local fires. Over three years, 66 children, aged 3 to 18, from Sarsfield and nearby areas have led to diverse achievements like exhibitions, a two-year calendar, an open-air gallery, and international projects. This initiative, wrapping up in 2022, celebrated its success with over $60,000 in grants, a local party, a book launch, and a permanent installation at the new Sarsfield Hall.

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Community Development

Find out more about the projects that the Sarsfield Community Association committee have been working on since the 2019/2020 Black Summer Bushfires, and what is in the pipeline!

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Sarsfield Master Plan

The Master Plan for the Sarsfield Recreation Reserve, incorporating extensive community feedback gathered through surveys during the popular Friday Feeds events. The Sarsfield Community Association (SCA) is actively seeking funding opportunities to implement the plan, aiming to enhance the reserve as a vibrant and functional space for the community. This initiative reflects our commitment to improving local facilities based on the needs and ideas of our residents.

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Black Summer Grant

Information and relevant documentation about the Sarsfield Community Associations grant application for the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program

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Kieran Benton Kieran Benton

Sarsfield 2030

In Sarsfield, our community is coming together to create a unified and vibrant future following the devastating Black Summer Bushfire of 2019-20. Through months of engagement, including 38 meetings, 42 interviews, and numerous surveys, we have crafted a vision known as "Sarsfield 2030." This plan emphasizes realizing our potential, respecting our heritage, and fostering unity and prosperity. Our vision not only aims to recover from the disaster but also to proactively shape our future with initiatives like the Master Plan for the Hall and Reserve, and community events such as Friday Feeds. We are actively seeking various funding sources and encouraging community participation to transform Sarsfield into a cohesive, resilient, and thriving home for all of us.

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