Sarsfield Brew Club
image: home brewing equipment
At several events, I have noticed a theme. There have been several blokes standing in the corner talking about beer. Making it, drinking it, beer styles, hops, aroma (and many more things that I find a wee bit boring).
While my family were living in Geelong, my husband Craig was an enthusiastic member of the Geelong Craft Brewers, which was a monthly get together with other ‘beer nerds’, to compare home brews, sample commercial beers, talk about beers, make a beer together, and drink and enjoy beer together with like-minded friends.
Noticing that the same few fellas have been talking beer at our events I wondered if a Brew Club would work in Sarsfield. We have some beer lovers, we have a community space, and we have a couple of really experienced brewers, who are willing to lead a group and teach brewing. I put out an expression of interest on our Facebook page, which was well received, and have since sat down with Craig, Nathan and Wayne, and we have worked out what we think a good model would be for a brew club in Sarsfield.
~ The brew club will be open to anyone over the age of 18 who is interested in brewing.
~ We will brew together, beer, cider, hard lemonade, hard ginger beer, and if there is sufficient interest within the group we can also brew wine, mead, kombucha (we can pretty much experiment with any ferments).
~ We will keep things simple, so that even the most inexperienced brewer can feel empowered to make their own brews and ferments at home.
~ What we brew together during out meetings, will be enjoyed by the brew club at future meetings.
~ We will show group members how to brew safely, how to use good hygiene when brewing, how to bottle, how to keg (and anything else you want to know)
~ We will teach brewing using different methods including wort cubes, extracts and all grain brewing
image: foreground, beers in glasses - background, people enjoying a drink outside
There will be a small monthly charge to attend, part of this payment will go toward providing a light supper, and the rest will cover the brew ingredients required for us to brew together. There will be a monthly link sent out to members, which will also be accessible through our events page.
The Sarsfield Brew Club will hold it’s first meeting on Friday, 15th November. For this meeting, we will not be doing a brew together, we will bring a few different types of beer to sample, and we encourage members to bring along something they’ve brewed, or something they’ve purchased that they like. The object of the first meeting is to talk about beer styles and flavours, and to find out what the members of the club are looking for.
If you’re interested in joining the Sarsfield Brew Club, the link for the first meeting is on our events calender which can be found here.