An AGM and great feed

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Sarsfield Community Association was held on Friday 30th of August. A good crowd were in attendance to hear President Cathy present a summary of the years achievements, highlights and future direction, Treasurer Durelle presented the Financials and Simon promoted the nesting box project to community members. Our long time friend and mentor from Strathewen , Malcolm Hackett, facilitated election of office bearers and a new committee for 2024/25. Malcolm shared with the meeting his positive impressions of the work of the SCA and their strength, determination and growth over the past four and a half years.

We would like to thank the committee members who stepped back, this year and we appreciate all the help they’ve given us and our community. Thanks heaps to Jo Andrews, Diandian Wu and Phil Schneider.

Some new talent has bought some welcome energy to the team.

The new Committee for 2024 -2025 was elected:

Cathy McLellan (President) Patch Calvert (Vice President) Durelle Esnouf (Treasurer) Helen Wilson (Secretary)

General members: Simon Hof; Wayne Gamble; John Kinniburgh; Kieran Benton; Kate Nelson and Virginia King .

FYI: Committee meetings are usually the third Tuesday of the month, SCA members are welcome to attend.

We were then treated to a visual “reveal” of the planned layout, style and features of the new hall and were informed of potential timelines before we shared a yummy Italian themed “New Leaf” dinner of Lasagna, garlic bread and salad.

Another great Sarsfield night!


More sad losses within our community


A Tale of New Sarsfieldians The Family in the Bus